display current playing song, macOS


New Member

im from germany and im looking for something that allows me to display the current playing song. I´ve used "TuneOut ( https://obsproject.com/forum/resources/tuneout-for-mac.453/ )" before, but it doesnt work anymore. The text file disappeard and reinstalling is pointless . I use the latest version of MacOs and the standard music player "Musik" which was pre-installed. I dont want to use Spotify, because I have a lot of songs in my libary which arent available there.

It would be nice if someone could help me.

Kind regards


New Member
I tried the original version ( https://github.com/dzomb/tuneout ) and it works for me...kind of. When you start the program you need to select a txt file, but it will automatically create a document file, which cant be read by OBS. If you restart TuneOut over and over then its possible that it will accept the txt file (if you are lucky), so better keep the program running. Oh, and you need to use "force quit application" to close TuneOut.


New Member
Hello Jean,
There isn't a built-in way in macOS to display the current song information from any music player, including Musik. "TuneOut" seems like it was a good solution, but unfortunately it appears to no longer be functional. While not ideal, you can keep the Musik app window open. This will show you the current song information.